Art Mobs invites you to attend our opening event on Dec. 8. The event will feature the work of student artists from Marymount Manhattan College. The Art Mobs team, with the help of YellowArrow, will demonstrate how mobile technologies can affect the way we experience, and communicate about, urban space and art.
Guests are invited to share their experience of student artworks by text messaging on their mobile phones. View the work while reading the most recent 4 text messages left by others—then leave your own message for the next guests. Guests may also download podcasts of interviews with several of the artists about their works. View the work while listening to the podcast on your iPod or other mp3 player.
We hope to build an interactive database, oral/aural and textual, of shared discourse around the artworks. We are excited to be hosting this event with the Department of Communication Arts, the Department of Art, and YellowArrow.
If you can't join us (or if you're not in the New York area) check back on this blog after the 8th to see pictures and video of the event!
Bring your mobile phone. Watch a demo video here.
Get the podcast and bring your iPod. The RSS feed is here.
[How do you get set up to receive a podcast? Start here.]Date: Dec. 8
Time: 8PM
Location: MMC, Main Building, 8th Floor Gallery
Address: 221 East 71st Street, NY, NY
Contact: [email protected]
The event is open to the public; refreshments will be served.